Hollywood Theme Party





You and your guests will feel like celebrities with these Hollywood party ideas

created especially for you by award-winning party planner and author

Phyllis Cambria for PartyPlansPlus.com.


To make your planning even easier, we've included links to quality products

hand-selected by this party pro.





Click Here for Hollywood Party Invitations



        Send out a ticket-design invitation and ask guests to bring it with them to the party. Then enlist a teenager in a movie �uniform� to tear the tickets upon guest admission and direct them to the �theater.�

        Buy black poster board or construction paper and use a white paint pen to make up movie clapboards with all the party particulars of your "production." Or buy ready-made clapboards.

        Invite guests to come dressed as movie stars, in Hollywood costumes or black tie attire.



Click Here for All Hollywood Decorations




        Roll out a red carpet from the street to your front door. Many rental companies have these or you can buy red carpet remnants, cut to size and tape together with carpet or duct tape to suit the length of your entrance.

        For evening events, dig out your white Christmas twinkle lights and light the path along your red carpet.

        Make sure your guests know they've arrived at your "celebrity" soiree with a custom banner attached to your front door or garage door or side of your home.

        Get teens or neighbors to act as paparazzi, TV interviewers holding real or glitter microphones or autograph seekers as your guests arrive.

        To make guests really feel like stars of your celebration (and to have them become part of your d�cor) give the men sequined or felt top hats and the women red, black, white, blue, white and silver, white and gold, red and white, pink and white, black and gold, black and silver, or pink boas.

        If you're setting your Hollywood theme party in the Roaring 20s, give the men a black felt, red, black and white "patent leather" or black velour gangster hat or black felt fedora with white trim. Women can be given feather boas as described above, along with a black, gold or silver feather and sequin headpiece.

        Of course, no self-respecting celebrity would be caught without a pair of trendy sunglasses. Or, to put stars literally in their eyes, give them star-shaped, glittered gold or silver sunglasses.

        Fill the ceiling with a collection of floating stars you've cut yourself, stars suspended from a film-strip design or swirling metallic stars.

        Trim the walls with theatrical light-style paper garland.

        Let them make a grand entrance by coming through an awards night or silver star door curtain.

        If you're holding the party in conjunction with an awards ceremony, set up a viewing area with folding chairs and a large screen TV (or several throughout the party site) so everyone can follow along. You also can project your guest's arrival with a live-shot connection from your video camera. Or, do like the awards show do, film the guest arrivals and keep airing it (with or without sound) throughout the party.

        Light up the starry night with star-shaped novelty lights.

        Make up movie-style posters using clip art or scanned photos on your computer and incorporate your guests' names as stars or producers.

        Substitute bowls with star-design top hats for star-powered snacks.

        Get life-size, cardboard cutouts of celebrities for your guests to stand next to for a "photo op."

        Suspend gold, red or silver metallic columns in corners for shimmer or as the backdrop for your awards podium.

        Write to your local movie critic. They often receive press packages with movie stills and might be willing to give you the extras for free.

        Your powder room will get giggles and grins if you replace your plain toilet tissue with a roll imprinted with hearts, red lip prints, money, newsprint, or gold-star designs.

        You also can add some shimmer to your sink by placing a gold or silver star centerpiece on your vanity.



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Gala Games, Movie & Music Magic and Award-winning Activities:

        From the moment they arrive on the red carpet, play a Hollywood music CD to greet them in star style.

        Take digital or instant photos of guests upon arrival. Slip into a movie clapboard photo frame. This will work well as d�cor, a place card for sit-down events or to put on their chair in your "viewing room" and for them to take home as a party favor.

        Before the broadcast or as your main entertainment event, have a guest talent show - singing, acting, dancing, juggling or any silly thing that guests want to do.

        For televised award shows, print out the categories and nominees, and let guests guess who will win the awards and award prizes to those who come up with the most correct answers.

        Save your guests hands from all the clapping they'll do to celebrate the awards and your great hosting ability by giving them star-shaped gold or silver clackers to use instead.

        Coordinate the party time to coincide with the Oscars, Tony's, Emmy's, People's Choice, VH1, MTV, Blockbuster or the Golden Globes award shows. Remember, this will relieve you from having to come up with a wide variety of entertainment because the popular broadcast will do most of the work for you.

        Shoot a "documentary" about a group of "celebrities" waiting to hear about a series of film awards throughout the party and have the premiere "viewing" while dessert is being served.

        Hollywood-themed parties can be as simple as holding your own film festival or "Movie Night" by airing the video of the "Best Picture" winner.

        Hold a "Name That Movie Tune" contest. Play music from popular movies and have guests try to guess which movie the song came from.

        Make up an entertainment trivia contest based on award-winning actors and films. There are numerous movie and entertainment websites (www.imdb.com) and books to help you with your research.

        Get a more gregarious guest to act like Joan Rivers, Star Jones, Army Archard or other popular TV celebrity interviewer and question your guests when they arrive about their latest "project" or who designed their outfit. Simulcast this on the TV monitors throughout the house.

        Have photos of yourself and your friends from past costume parties blown up to 8 x 10 on a color copier. Frame them with signs naming a film set (real or made-up) that the picture may have been taken on.

        Award guests with prizes such as a Hollywood clapboard, star award, Hollywood music CD selection, their instant or digital photo in a clapboard photo frame.

        If your Hollywood theme is more music than movies, add inflatable jukeboxes, guitars, drums, trumpet, saxophones, banjos, clarinets, keyboards, and microphones to your star-style d�cor. Afraid you don't have enough hot air? Don't worry; you can always pump it up.


Click Here for All Hollywood-Themed Paper Goods



Concession Snacks and Movie Menus:

        Snacks and popcorn in popcorn-style cups, bags or boxes are a natural for "Movie Nights." A rented popcorn machine would be a nice touch.

        Use film canisters as food trays or buy imprinted film reel paper plates.

        Hot dogs, mini pizzas and candy in individual boxes are treats they'll love to eat on this film set.

        Set up the food in a concession stand arrangement. Add some shimmer to your snack section with gold or silver fringe table skirts.

        Add some glow to your bar show with light up beverage glasses, mugs, martini or Pilsner glasses. Or, use a glowing coaster to add glamour to your glasses.

        Let their drinks blink with flashing orange, red, green and yellow ice cubes or by putting them into flashing margarita or shot glasses.

        Arrange different tables themed to a movie. For instance, decorate a table in western style decor, serve chili, and/or barbecue dishes and name it �High Noon.�  Use clapboards to name the tables. Or, break up your menu selections and theme each item or dish to a particular movie play off a movie name. For instance, your wine selection can be named "The Days of Wine and Roses" or "The Grapes of Wrath," hot dogs and beer can be dubbed "Frank & Stein," pizza can be "War and Pizza," vegetable crudit�s can be named "Roots" and so forth. Just prop a clapboard next to the dish with the name of the "movie" next to it.

        Create a Spago-style restaurant. You provide your guests with plain, uncooked pizzas and an assortment of usual and exotic toppings (smoked oysters, goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, grilled veggies, etc.) so that they can make their creation. Then they must theme their "masterpiece" to a famous movie. Just give them a clapboard so that they label their creation. The best "production" wins a prize.

       Whether your choosing to throw a casual Hollywood, musical, or black tie glamour, give your menu more movie magic by putting your meal on Hollywood movie-themed paper products and party supplies.



Click Here for All Hollywood Party Favors




       Give tickets or discount coupons to local movie theaters.

       Let your guests always feel like a star with a mirror ball necklace.

       Don't forget to give your guests their instant "publicity shot" in a  souvenir photo frame.

       Upon arrival, give guests autograph books so that they can swap signatures.

       Gift certificates to a local video store get a four-star rating for this party.

       Sunglasses are a fun gift to give your stars upon arrival so they can go around incognito long after the curtain falls on this production.

       Movie awards will make them feel like the star that they are to you.

       Let them cruise around town playing a CD of popular movie music so that they can have a soundtrack to their fantasies.

        A photo of your guests in a clapboard frame will make them remember forever your star-style soiree.

        Surprise them with a subscription or copy of popular movie magazine.

       A copy of the evening�s party or film production which can be sent after the party with thank you notes will win you nominations for best host.


 Note: This plan includes just a small amount of party supplies available for a Hollywood theme party. You can find more party products for a Hollywood or almost any theme from our carefully selected suppliers listed below. Remember, supplies may be limited, so order early to ensure you'll get your party products in time for your party.


Check out the MakesParties Closeout Corner for Super Savings


PlumParty.com for Party Supplies

Hollywood MegaStore for Posters, Stand-ups and Props


Photo Favors are the best gift!!  InstantPhotoFrames.com

More Great Party Plans

Directory of Kid's Party Themes




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