This sample plan was designed in 2002, some resources may not be available now.
Hello, sports fans, here's a party plan designed especially for
and Peter's bar mitzvah!
Can be adapted to honor just one child.
Here are some ideas to turn the Grand Ballroom of the Resort into
sports party central.
cardboard cutouts of the boys made and post them with cutouts of other sports
celebrities to greet your guests.
You can
also run video of the run as the "highlight of the week" on the MPSN "show."
head table where all the younger guests would sit should be set up like a sports
show anchor desk with MPSN written and affixed to the front of the table.
It can be created with foamcore letters and affixed to dark/royal blue
table cloths that are draped to the floor.
You can arrange TV monitors behind the anchor "desk" or you can
affix a large sports mural to help set the scene.
accommodate all the kids, you can extend the head table into a giant U shape
.You also can create a backdrop to the "set" with a large screen TV
set to a sports channel or showing highlight footage from taped shows or
purchased highlight tapes or simply create an MPSN backdrop.
To act as place cards, decor and party favor, on the back of each kid's seat drape a sports item imprinted with the name of the kid guest, These can range from tee-shirts to official sports shirts from favorite teams depending on taste and budget.�
Drape a pair of pom-poms on the backs of all the rest of the guests' seats. These will add color and can be used by the guests to cheer the hosts as they are announced and make their entrance. They also will serve as a fun prop for use while dancing and also will serve as a favor. These can be in assorted colors or the colors of the boys' favorite team(s).�
additional color and fun, hang sports pennants.
These can be from official teams or you can create your own with the MPSN
logo. These are easily done with
felt and hot glue. You can
intersperse these with balloons for added style.
During your cocktail hour and/or at the beverage stations during the party, continue the theme with sports-themed napkins�
Scatter bendable sports figures on the tables. Fun for kids and adults.
If you have buttons or decals or any item from any local sports events, they can be incorporated into the table decor. For instance, buttons affixed to ponytail holders as napkin holders.
Hang sports posters around the "set." You can find these at* Add posters from local events, if available.
up a score board design. This can
be the DJ music request board or the sign-in board for the guests.
A sports-themed box of goodies would work well as a gift and/or centerpiece/prize.�
the DJ brings in dancers, suggest they come dressed in cheerleading costumes to
help set the theme and to escort in the guests of honor.
They will then add to the decor. In
fact, you might want to dress the DJ in sports-related clothes.
action, full-length photos of the boys in their uniforms.
Have mirror-image copies of each reproduced in a large format (8 x 10 or
larger) on a color copier on heavy stock, affix the mirror images to foamcore.
Cut out the figures, attach to a base and use as your centerpieces.
These can be further adorned with mylar sports balloons.
a photo of the boys in a team uniform. Between
them have them hold up a blank poster board.
Then reproduce this photo on a color copier (at least an 8x10 size) in a
heavy stock, one for each table you will have.
Slip this into the table number holder (generally provided by the
catering facility) and hand-write with marking pen each table number on the
poster they're holding in the photo for a sporty way of leading your guests to
the correct table.
option for table numbers: Write them in heavy black marker on helium-filled
basketball balloons to float above the table for easy visibility..
together a show of slides showing the boys in various sports situations.
Captions and special effects will make it show biz.
This can be flashed on a large screen behind the bandstand or shown as a
special event.
If you or someone you know is computer-savvy, you can create a Power Point demonstration. You also could piece together a variety of video images of their playing sports. This can be copied onto a taped loop so that it can be shown continuously throughout the party.
the DJ announce the family as they come with siblings as team members, parents
as coaches, and bar mitzvah celebrants as MVPs and hosts of the broadcast.
Have everyone enter to the "Rocky" theme or a favorite sports
song. For added excitement, have a
marching band (or drum majorette and recorded band music) lead the guests and
hosts into the party area.
a special theme song created for the "broadcasters" with details of
their lives interweaved throughout the song (see resources).
custom cheers and have the youngsters take the dance floor to lead the guests.
Call them in to dinner with a sports-themed whistleMake seating cards to resemble game tickets, with table numbers replacing row or seat numbers. (These cards could be laminated, trimmed with a cord and be useful as bookmarks.)
Part decor/part activity, kids will love taking a whack at a treat-filled basketball (baseball or football) pinata�
To maintain the theme, create a fiberglass or formica board to resemble a basketball court and use basketball-shaped candles for the candle-lighting ceremony.�
Let the kids play with hand-held basketball maze games or small, hand-held electronic games sold at electronic stores. This will not only add some competition but will be quiet activities to keep the more-shy kids entertained and to keep rowdier ones in their seats during mealtime, the cocktail hour or when the DJ takes a break. Put them on the adult tables and watch the "big boys" jump in on the fun too!�
Visit sites such as,,,, or other sports sites to glean facts to be used in trivia contests. Intersperse questions and facts about the boys in these contests.�
Have the boys "interview" the "sports legends" in the crowd (adults) with fake microphones or real ones attached to a tape recorder.�
Dress your waitstaff in striped referee-style shirts.�
up the food during the cocktail hour like a concession stand.
If you opt not to do this for the adults, you can still set up a hot dog
machine and a popcorn machine for the kids.
Mini-donuts and cotton candy, although not exclusively sport food---is a great hit.
up computers with sports games or wire them into a sports site to play games on
the site.
one or more interactive games, including a mini basketball court or electronic
interactive baseball toss, for the children's activity area (see resources).
video highlights of the boys playing various sports with their friends.
Favors and Prizes:
Basketball inflatable hat�
up sports cards with the twins' images and their "stats" on the back.
These can be given to each guest.
Foam basketball visor Add a foam basketball and it becomes a hat and game at the same time.�
Plastic basketball-style baseball cap **�
Basketball mask **�
Baseball mask�
Basketball whistle**� Personalized basketball bank**
� Foam basketball, baseball and/or football
� Assorted sports keychains
Sports pencils�
Basketball sunglasses , baseball sunglasses , or football sunglasses will bring their good times into focus.Take instant photos of guest standing next to the cardboard cutouts of the twins. Present them in a
sports styles available on same site.
Interactive games available in 50 states --
Customized sports cards, your picture, your information on official looking cards.
supplies, decorations, and more --
supplies, decorations and more --
site for sports props, photos, banners, posters, etc. --
Cutout Figures
Custom Songs, "all about them in song" by SongSendsations Custom songs
It's My Mitzvah
Honor a special occasion with our unique line of printed, personalized favors for a bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, wedding or other celebration. Print water bottles, scrubs, sports balls, t-shirts, ball caps, travel cd cases and much more with your name and celebration date.
This party plan has been custom designed by Phyllis Cambria and Patty Sachs of The products mentioned are not guaranteed by but mentioned to give the host direction in coordinating this plan.
We know that one could not use every detail in their party plan, but have listed several ideas in each area to give the host options to meet budget and taste and style of event desired.
Please feel free to contact us at: [email protected], (904) 272-0959
Best of luck with your party plan and mazeltov to your family
on this most special occasion.